10 research outputs found

    Subvertising - Conceptualization, Motivation, and Outcomes

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    There is an exponential increase in events involving subvertising both online and in the real world. Though popular media are increasingly discussing the topic, there are gaps in the academic literature on subvertising, as it is very limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to close these gaps by investigating the conceptualization of subvertising, the motivation for engaging in subvertising, and the outcomes of it, both for subvertisers themselves and for those that are targeted. The study was carried out using a qualitative inductive approach, in which grounded theory was used to obtain and interpret data. The data was gathered from secondary data, as news articles and YouTube videos were collected from popular media. A thematic narrative analysis was used to get an understanding of “what” rather than “how”, and to focus on the themes around which articles are told (Riessman, 2008). The data collected was coded according to Gioia’s methodology. This helped the authors generate categories and subcategories that were used to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that the conceptualization of subvertising can be explained by the definition, target, type, defense, and evolution. The motivation for engaging in subvertising can be explained by the environment, inclusion and diversity, capitalism, and social. Lastly, the public, government, and corporate helped explain the outcomes of subvertising. The intergenerational justice theory was used to support these findings, as it can be linked to the underlying reasons for subvertising. The study presents five theoretical implications where the authors discuss how they are contributing to the literature on the topic, and consider five practical implications they are providing to subvertisers and other activists, corporations, governments, and the public in general. This study is of great novelty because it is filling the gaps in the existing literature on subvertising because of its comprehensiveness that looks at the conceptualization, the motives, and outcomes. It provides a clear definition that separates subvertising from other similar concepts by specifying its boundary conditions, which have previously been vague

    Subvertising - Conceptualization, Motivation, and Outcomes

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    There is an exponential increase in events involving subvertising both online and in the real world. Though popular media are increasingly discussing the topic, there are gaps in the academic literature on subvertising, as it is very limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to close these gaps by investigating the conceptualization of subvertising, the motivation for engaging in subvertising, and the outcomes of it, both for subvertisers themselves and for those that are targeted. The study was carried out using a qualitative inductive approach, in which grounded theory was used to obtain and interpret data. The data was gathered from secondary data, as news articles and YouTube videos were collected from popular media. A thematic narrative analysis was used to get an understanding of “what” rather than “how”, and to focus on the themes around which articles are told (Reissman, 2008). The data collected was coded according to Gioia’s methodology. This helped the authors generate categories and subcategories that were used to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that the conceptualization of subvertising can be explained by the definition, target, type, defense, and evolution. The motivation for engaging in subvertising can be explained by the environment, inclusion and diversity, capitalism, and social. Lastly, the public, government, and corporate helped explain the outcomes of subvertising. The intergenerational justice theory was used to support these findings, as it can be linked to the underlying reasons for subvertising. The study presents five theoretical implications where the authors discuss how they are contributing to the literature on the topic, and consider five practical implications they are providing to subvertisers and other activists, corporations, governments, and the public in general. This study is of great novelty because it is filling the gaps in the existing literature on subvertising because of its comprehensiveness that looks at the conceptualization, the motives, and outcomes. It provides a clear definition that separates subvertising from other similar concepts by specifying its boundary conditions, which have previously been vague

    p21-mediated RNR2 repression restricts HIV-1 replication in macrophages by inhibiting dNTP biosynthesis pathway

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    International audienceMacrophages are a major target cell for HIV-1, and their infection contributes to HIV pathogenesis. We have previously shown that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 inhibits the replication of HIV-1 and other primate lentiviruses in human monocyte-derived macrophages by impairing reverse transcription of the viral genome. In the attempt to understand the p21-mediated restriction mechanisms, we found that p21 impairs HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)mac reverse transcription in macrophages by reducing the intracellular deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pool to levels below those required for viral cDNA synthesis by a SAM domain and HD domain-containing protein 1 (SAMHD1)-independent pathway. We found that p21 blocks dNTP biosynthesis by down-regulating the expression of the RNR2 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, an enzyme essential for the reduction of ribonucleotides to dNTP. p21 inhibits RNR2 transcription by repressing E2F1 transcription factor, its transcriptional activator. Our findings unravel a cellular pathway that restricts HIV-1 and other primate lentiviruses by affecting dNTP synthesis, thereby pointing to new potential cellular targets for anti-HIV therapeutic strategies

    Les politiques de la jeunesse au Royaume-Uni et en France

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    Au XXIe siècle, la jeunesse est très souvent associée à des représentations négatives. Si l’on se fie au discours politique, aux médias et à l’opinion publique au Royaume-Uni et en France, les jeunes constitueraient une génération désœuvrée et dangereuse pour l’ordre social. Or, comme le montre cet ouvrage, le principal enjeu auquel sont confrontés les pouvoirs publics des deux côtés de la Manche concerne le déclin des formes traditionnelles de participation juvénile à la vie politique. Rassemblant des contributions de sociologues et politistes spécialistes de la jeunesse, ce livre aborde les questions de l'engagement politique, de la citoyenneté et des mutations des politiques de jeunesse. Dans les deux pays, on constate la confrontation de deux principaux types de politiques de jeunesse. D’abord, un volet « répressif » qui fait appel à des dispositifs publics fondés sur la stigmatisation et le contrôle social ; ensuite, un nouveau volet « d’accompagnement » visant à promouvoir la citoyenneté et la participation à la vie publique et à susciter un renouvellement des formes de l’engagement politique. Bien que prometteuse, cette seconde approche n’est pas dénuée de tensions et de contradictions ainsi que le mettent en évidence les travaux ici réunis